Saturday, July 11, 2009

What do I do with this?

Look what I found on my porch this morning. . . .

A couple of months ago my wonderful neighbor, Ray, stopped me and told me he was growing cucumbers in his garden and I was to help myself when they were ready. Well then a few weeks ago he sheepishly told me those weren't cucumbers he was growing, but I told him "never fear, I love zucchini too!" So this morning I awoke to a rather large pile of zucchini. I am determined not to let it go to waste, so I started stalking other bloggers looking for ideas. I found a recipe for I Hate Zucchini Bread, Bread, I'm definately going to try that one. I also found a recipe for Zucchini Fritters. So that is what I did today. Oh and guess what Ray has on his front porch this evening? You guessed it, Zucchini Fritters!

They remind me very much of Fried Green Tomatoes.

Here is the recipe:

5 T Bisquick
1/2C Parmasean Cheese
1/4t Salt
1/8t Pepper
2 eggs (slightly beaten)
2C Grated Zucchini

Mix it all together, drop by spoonfulls (I used the large Pampered Chef scoop) into a hot skillet/griddle. I used butter for the first round (in the picture) but after that I used non-stick spray. Both worked fine. Let me know if you try them.

Oh and I have since figured out that I can freeze some of that zucchini. We'll have fritters in February! Enjoy!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Picture perfect

A couple of weeks ago Kennedy performed at the Somerfest parade talent show. She did a ballet dance to "I Love Being A Girl". There were 7 girls in her group and they were so lovely. I knew she would only wear the dress a couple of times and since they were quite expensive, I was bound and determined to get a good picture of her. I ended up taking her to the backyard, putting her on a towel and standing on a chair over the top of her, then taking several pictures. Next I went to and played around with the picture. I'm really proud of the finished project, of course having a stunningly beautiful model makes it so easy.

Oh yeah, they got FIRST PLACE in the Gibson County Fair talent show!